Thoughts About Our Blog


My Fellow Business Astronauts

As we are reaching the final phase of our blogging project, I took a look back at what we have blogged so far and I think that we have already found many interesting topics to write about. Thank you, for all of your contributions!

While doing so – I also re-edited some of your posts to adjust some formatting issues and I want to show you what I did and how I did it. Continue reading

Planned obsolescence (again)

How to destroy a documentary?

Today, to change a little bit, I was looking for another state of mind than usual. I wanted to find somebody who argues that Planned Obsolescence was an idea destined to occupy the lovers of the conspiracy theory.

I finally found what I was looking for: on “Econoclaste”, a French blog whose description can be translated by “Economy for Dummies”. Alexandre Delaigue properly destroyed “Ready to throw”, a really successful documentary made by Arte about Planned Obsolescence. Here are my favourites pieces of his article…

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A sad Friday story in Newtown

A sad Friday story in Newtown

My assignment is to write a post about business, but the elementary school massacre in Newtown on this Friday, the 14.12.12. has broken my heart. Innocent children were killed and what kind of Christmas present is that for those affected parents? It makes me cry and think about firearms in our society. In the US media everybody is discussing about stricter gun control laws and at this point it is also a business issue.

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Strategic Re-Design

Why should a company re-design the product strategy? Because it would be a smart choice to get better product performance through improved resource efficiency and to strengthened market position.

A green approach is not just about producing a more sustainable product, it’s the way it is produced that matters too. adopting strategies as the green chemistry principle for example, in the way to prevent wasting, design safer chemicals, reduce the use of derivatives. Continue reading

Mindmapping – An Important Business and Communication Tool


I think Mindmaps can really help to organize our thoughts and structure ideas. So before I´ll have a look at some mindmap applications I´ll mention a website which deals with mindmaps in general.

As well there this blog, discussing usability of mindmapping tools and I found a software called Mindmanager.

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Some (Money-)Facts about Photovoltaics


Dr. B recommended to focus more on the business aspect of renewable energy, which seems like a good idea. We are the Business Astronauts after all. So let’s talk business!

Your replies on my former posts gave me the idea to write about the profitability of photovoltaic (PV). It seems to be common sense in society, that PV is to expensive and it does not pay. But is that really true? And for whom does it pay or not? This time I want to talk about PV as an investment for private households or companies.

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